06/10/07: 3B's Rants - Kill Off ECW; Message to the IWC

Date: 06/10 12:13 PM
Views: 2,599
It's been a while since I've written anything on wrestling and I'd like to take this opportunity to express my opinion on WWECW and my thoughts on it.

I think it's time to pull the plug on this travesty. To be honest, I had nothing but high hopes when it was announced last June that ECW would be returning. The first 2-3 months of programming were interesting and the ECW house shows sounded promising. It actually seemed like Vince genuinely wanted to bring the fans something that had been missing since the original ECW died.

However, a few mistakes took place. Number one, turning Paul Heyman heel and bringing in the Big Show. This did nothing for the new ECW.

Heyman should have been a face and should have had a role leading the ECW originals against what the WWE was doing. Instead, he became what he'd always despised. It really dampened the whole thing. I grew to hate Paul Heyman every time he came out to piss and shit all over what he had created and all in the name of money and power. I don't care if it was in a storyline sense. It still stung to see Heyman do this.

Making Big Show the champion did not make matters better. The ECW championship should have been put into a proper tournament which should have included talent that primarily wrestled in house shows, as well as independent talent (by invitation) and the ECW originals. Instead, Big Show got the belt. They totally fucking botched it here.

Joey Styles' worked-shoot was another HUGE botch. Joey went from challenging the status quo in one night to BECOMING the status quo within a month or two. What an idiot. Joey, if you still want to save your integrity, LEAVE while there's still time. Actually, I think the WWE will solve that problem on their own. Take Taz with you too, heathen.

The extreme expose garbage pissed me off too. Kelly Kelly? Give me a break. Kimona could beat her ass senseless.

Practically the only good things to come out of this new ECW were either stifled or killed off. The house shows stopped. Bobby Lashley was pushed, leading to McMahon as your ECW champion. Pathetic.

I only hope that CM Punk will get somewhere on another WWE show. He's the only positive thing about this new ECW, along with the originals (Sandman, Dreamer, Balls).

It's time for someone to raise their rifle and put the new ECW out of its' misery.

This is not a knock on wrestling journalists. It's not a knock on wrestling fans who actually enjoy wrestling. Rather it's a knock on wrestling fanboys. Hell if Kent Jones wants to shoot on me after reading this, go for it.

I am sick and tired of reading drivel from people who call themselves modern wrestling fans. I've spent 20 years of my life following professional wrestling. I come from the days when we didn't have the internet or message boards. I come from the days when you had to watch to see what was going to happen next. I come from the days when people didn't care what happened backstage or didn't know or didn't care whether or not it was fixed.

What I don't get nowadays are the fanboys popping up all over YouTube with their little "shoots". These kids are what Freddie Blassie would call "Pencil-necked geeks." They spend countless hours on their parents' computers, typing up nonsensical rant after nonsensical rant on wrestling. Whether it's WWE, TNA or even ROH, you will find these fanboys trashing it. I know of one board that is primarily a TNA board where EVERYONE, even the moderators, bashes TNA. They say negative things day after day about a promotion like TNA. What does this tell you when people who are supposed to be TNA fans, spend 95% of their time criticizing every single move that company makes? Something is truly fucked up if this is supposed to be normal.

Let's face it, today's younger wrestling fans can be nothing but spoiled brats that have access to things that I didn't have access to in my youth. I question whether they are fans in the true sense of the word.

The bottom line here is that if you don't like a wrestling promotion, that's fine and dandy. However, if you spend 95% of your time bashing a promotion to death and offer NO constructive critcism (look it up kids...you're not even close), you need to get a life. Also, if you do not work backstage at a wrestling promotion, you do NOT know it all. Stop acting like it. Leave that stuff up to the reliable news sites. Workrate is NOT everything. You can't sell a wrestling event solely on workrate. You need stars to get people to get past the gate in the first place. You need reliable talent to back up those stars as well.

I think I've said enough. It is truly a sad state of affairs in regards to the IWC.

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