01/08/08: TNA Impact Taping Results *SPOILERS*

Date: 01/08 6:45 PM
Views: 1,513

Written by Stevie J

Credit goes to PWInsider.com and Alex Hernandez. As always don't scroll down the full post if you don't want to know.

















Xplosion Match:
* Judas Mesias defeated Elix Skipper.

Impact 1.17.08:

* ODB defeated Angelina Love. After the match, she challenged Awesome Kong to a match at Against All Odds.

* The Motor City Machine Guns & Jay Lethal came to the ring and accepted the challenge from Team 3D for a Hardcore Street Fight at Against All Odds. Team 3D interrupted and they all ended up brawling.

* Tomko defeated Eric Young. After the match, James Storm attacked Eric and tried to drink a beer with Tomko, but Tomko hit him.

* Kaz defeated Senshi. After the match, Black Reign attacked Kaz.

* VKM comes out and Kip wants to know who BG's partner is. BG reveals it to be his father, Bullet Bob Armstrong. They all embrace and leave together.

* Abyss defeated Lance Hoyt. Jim Mitchell reveals Abyss' secret and it's that Mitchell is Abyss' father.

* Robert Roode defeated Sonjay Dutt

* Christian Cage defeated AJ Styles and Samoa Joe to win a title shot against Kurt Angle. Joe was eliminated first via DQ, due to being caught with a chair that AJ brought in. Joe would argue with Matt Morgan, but Kevin Nash would come to the ring to calm Joe down and they left. Cage then pinned Styles to win the match and the title shot.

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