06/26/08: Mike Poulin's Sarcastic TNA Impact Recap

Date: 06/26 11:15 PM
Views: 2,427

Written by Mike Poulin

Here we go again with another FANTASTIC episode of TNA Impact!
Match 1: AJ Styles vs. Consequences Creed

Hey, this match would've been more special 3 years ago when the X Division mattered! As we get underway, Mike Tenay points out that AJ was the person who was responsible for bringing Consequences Creed to TNA. This match was a good opener. Unfortunately, it was a bit overshadowed by the split screen showing Kurt Angle waiting for Karen to arrive at the Impact Zone. AJ and Creed countered everything that each threw at one another, but AJ eventually hit the moonsault kick and then the Styles Clash for the pin.

Winner: AJ Styles
After the match, Jeremy Borash tells AJ Styles that Kurt is waiting for Karen Angle to arrive. No shit, Borash! Both Tenay and West fucking pointed that out during the match. Pay the fuck attention, dumbass!
We go outside of the Impact Zone to see Security pulling apart Angle and AJ for some reason, but it's not alluded to during the segment. Great job on that one, TNA. Karen says she's going to work and AJ says not with Kurt running around. What the fuck, AJ? Kurt's ALWAYS going to be around.
Match 2: Christian Cage vs. Brother Ray

Brother Ray cuts a promo before the match. The promo felt longer than the actual match, with Ray saying that we are going to see something we've never seen before. Christian got off to a hot start by landing a big frog splash, but that was pretty much the end as Johnny Devine got involved. (Way to reintroduce him to the angle, TNA!) Then Ray nails Christian with a Kendo Stick causing the DQ. Brother Ray calls for Brother Devon and tells him to bring out the table. Devon and Tomko bring out a table completely covered in glass and Brother Ray power bombs Christian through the glass table. Holy god, that had to hurt like a motherfucker! Christian wins, but in effect he loses.

Winner by DQ: Christian Cage
We go backstage to Jeremy Borash who is with Kevin Nash. They get interrupted by Samoa Joe who makes fun of Big Sexy's bad knees. That's pretty much all I remember about this promo.
Match 3: TNA Knockout Champion Awesome Kong vs. Danielle

Basically a squash here, folks. More importantly during the match, Kong had a staredown with Shantelle Taylor. It basically takes away from what was a nothing match anyway. Kong rams this girl's head against the rail and Awesome Bombs her and the match is over.

Winner: TNA Knockout Champion Awesome Kong

After the match. Shantelle Taylor jumps the ramp and brawls with Kong until security breaks them up. Jim Cornette comes out and yells at Taylor, who says that she'll do anything to get to Kong even it means going through Cheerleader Raisha Saeed.

Next is a Rough Cuts Segment featuring Gail Kim, Angelina Love video is shown featuring various apperances from Scott D'Amore on it. Could we please get Scott D'Amore back on the writing team for TNA? PLEASE?
Frank Trigg comes out and calls for AJ Styles to come to the ring and face him like a man. While AJ is doing that, the Beautiful People attack and paper bag Karen Angle. God, that segment was totally fucking worth wasting five minutes of backstage time. Jesus Christ!
Match 4: World X Cup Match
Naruki Doi and Masato Yoshino vs. Rey Bucanero and Ultimo Guerrero

It's now time for the continuation of the World X Cup Tournament! This is the match I'm most looking forward to here this week. It was a good match for the 6 minutes it actually got. I was especially impressed by the Lucha guys tonight. But anyway, the win goes to Team Mexico with a combination slingshot into a twisting corkscrew plancha on Yoshino to gain their first point.

Winners: Rey Bucanero and Ultimo Guerrero

We go backstage to Lauren, who is with Jay Lethal. You know, this serious Jay Lethal doesn't work for me here. Lethal says he's pissed and wants to destroy Sonjay. Val says that they should postpone the wedding and walks off. If anything is going to come out of this, I'm guessing that Val may possibly turn on Lethal and go with Dutt at Victory Road.
Sonjay Dutt comes out and cuts a promo saying that we should donate to the "Set Val Free" fund. SoCal Val comes out and distracts Dutt, which allows Lethal to come out and attack Dutt. Lethal sends Dutt into some sort of sand trap and Dutt bails. How is this segment going to make me want to buy Victory Road?!?!

We go backstage to Team 3D, who has set up Kurt Angle on a blind date for next week. Jesus Christ.
Match 5: Knockout Bimbo Brawl
Moose vs. ODB

For those who don't know, Moose is Mickie Knuckles from IWA Mid-South and was trained by ECW Original Ian Rotten. I'm just curious (since neither Tenay nor West mentioned it on commentary), is Moose still aligned with the Beautiful People? If so, then the whole hating bimbos thing really doesn't work at all. This was a brutal match (it too only received 6 minutes) with ODB trying to choke Moose out with a chain, followed by Moose landing a leaping double arm DDT for the win.

Winner: Moose
Main Event: Booker T vs. Kevin Nash (No DQ Match)

Before either Nash or Booker even touch each other, Samoa Joe comes out and sits at ringside. Nash basically beats Booker around ringside area for 90 percent of this match, until Booker clobbered Joe with a chair. Wait a minute - why the fuck does that give Booker the edge?!? Booker gets the chair and pastes Nash with it, but only gets a near fall. Joe attacks Booker and beats him down in the corner. Joe goes for a superkick, but Booker gets out of the way and Joe ends up hitting Nash. Booker covers Nash for the three count. The show ends with Joe and Nash brawling against each other.

Winner: Booker T

WOW - an episode of TNA ends in a brawl - that's new. What a terrible fucking show this was! Besides the X Cup match and the Kong/Taylor angle, nothing on this show is going to get any buys for Victory Road. I have a feeling that it's only going to get worse. See you folks next week!

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