12/04/08: Mike Poulin's TNA Impact Recap

Date: 12/04 11:55 PM
Views: 2,424

Written by Mike Poulin

12/04/2008 TNA Impact Recap
This week on TNA Impact - Booker T defends the Legends Title against Samoa Joe, and Rhino takes on Sting a Non Title Match.
The Main Event Mafia comes out. Kevin Nash gets the microphone and says Team 3D put one over on them and they have 60 seconds to come out here or their death certificates are signed. Team 3D come out and Brother Ray introduces them to Samoa Joe and AJ Styles tag partners at Final Resolution. Brother Ray says the MEM raped every company they were ever in. Brother Ray also says that The MEM half broken the code of the boys in the back and if the Front Line doesn’t stop them there won’t be a TNA anymore. The members of the Front Line are in the crowd. Rhino says that he is dedicated to taking out the MEM and Sting should be with them instead of the MEM. Brother Ray says that tonight the Front Line is going to kick the MEM’s and the crowd chimes in with Ass.
Match 1
For the TNA Legends Title
Booker T vs. Samoa Joe

Anyone remember about 5 months ago when this was main eventing Pay Per Views.
Booker and Joe lock up. Joe lands several chops and sends Booker to the floor and as they start brawling in the crowd we go to commercial. We come back with Joe still controlling things but Booker sends him to the floor and in to the steps. Joe comes back and locks in the Kokina Clutch but Sharmell has the official detained and TBP come out and spray Joe in the eyes and Booker lands the Axe Kick for the win. Winner: Booker T.
We go backstage to Jeremy Borash who is with The Main Event Mafia. Angle claims he’s got something to say but he’s going to tell it to Jeff Jarrett in the ring.
It’s time for ODB’s Angle and she’s with Roxxi and Taylor Wilde but she doesn’t seem to be her chipper self like normal. ODB says that she’s in a 3 on 1 situation and apparently she likes three and one’s but not with 3 women wows too much info. Taylor Wilde says they’ve got her back and we now have a 6 knockout tag at the PPV.
And speaking of the PPV here’s the lineup!

The Main Event Mafia vs. The Front Line
Kurt Angle vs. Rhino
Awesome Kong vs. Christy Hemme Knockout Title
Beer Money vs. Abyss/Morgan Tag Titles
Eric Young vs. Sheik Abdul Bashir X Division Title
Feast Oe Fired Match
ODB/Roxxi/Taylor Wilde vs. TBP/Sharmell
Match 2
Christy Hemme and AJ Styles beat Awesome Kong and Scott Steiner with an assisted Tornado DDT from Hemme to Kong for the pin

We go backstage to Jeremy Borash who is with Kurt Angle and Mick Foley. Angle threatens Mick Foley and Foley promises to do his job at Final Resolution and Angle says someone’s going to watch his back.
Match 3
Jay Lethal Consquences Creed and Eric Young beat X Division Champion Sheik Abdul Bashir Jimmy Rave and Sonjay Dutt in about 3 minutes
. Sounds about like a cliché for the X Division’s televised matches to me.

We go to a Rough Cuts Segment featuring LAX. Why do I have a bad feeling that this is going to lead to one of LAX losing the Feast or Fired Match this Sunday. We go to Jeremy Borash who is with Sting who says that at Final Resoultion we are going to see a family and he’s going to walk out as champion. He also promises to beat Rhino.
We have a terrible Beautiful People Segment followed by a terrible Abyss/Beer Money segment where they basically got him drunk throughout the night and then beat him down. Jesus is this the only fucking way to build a tag feud for the PPV. And If so then why bother even having the tag titles on the card save it for next month.
Kurt Angle comes to the ring and asks Jeff Jarrett to come out. Jarrett comes out. Angle says that 2 years ago when he came to TNA him and Jarrett of always butted heads. Angle says he doesn’t care what it takes or who’s blood he has to spill he will get his match with Jeff Jarrett, Jarrett comes out and says if Angle thinks he’s going to mess with his life and his company than it’s over his dead body and Angle smiles.
We go backstage to Lauren who is with Rhino who says tonight he’s doesn’t know what he’s capable of doing to Sting.

We go to Jeremy Borash who is with Samoa Joe, AJ and Team 3D. AJ says that if Sting doesn’t want to pass the torch he will take it from him and at Final Resolution he we will walk out with the TNA Championship.
Main Event
TNA Champion Sting vs. Rhino

Rhino takes it to Sting early with several punches and they brawl outside as we go to commercial. We come back Sting is in control with several right hands to Rhino. Towards the end of the match Kurt Angle and AJ Styles come out. Rhino decks Angle but Sting catches him with a clothesline and goes for the Scorpion Deathlock but gets distracted and then Gored and Rhino scores the win. Winner: Rhino.
Big Final Resolution Promo is shown to end the show.

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