ROH DVD Review: Arena Warfare - Part 2

Date: 03/17 1:50 AM
Views: 3,273

Written by Stevie J

Welcome back to the Ring of Honor "Arena Warfare" DVD review, finishing off a show that took place on March 11th, 2006 which is part of the "Milestone Series" that you can purchase on

* Bryan Danielson {C} v. Alex Shelley (Ring of Honor World Title)

The match hadn't even really started at this point, since both men have spent so much time jaw-jacking with the crowd, trying their hardest to out-heat each other and see who South Philadelphia hates more. Since I haven't already said so, I would like to commend Ring of Honor on the quality of this self-produced DVD, which not only has some of the best lighting and camera angles of any indie federation's home videos (which you would expect from the #1 independent in the country) but the best encoding and video quality, far superior to the more widely released "Takedown Masters" videos. We last left off with Shelley berating the fans for a boring chant and challenging them on it, calling on one "fat-ass" in particular to get in the ring with him. The crowd chants "LET'S GO FAT GUY" but he doesn't get up, so Alex Shelley calls him a pussy and hands the mic back to the ring announcer. Shelley and Danielson circle and lock up, Danielson with a side headlock takeover and Shelley gets out and stands up. Collar and elbow tie-up, down to the mat, and back to their feet. Another side headlock takedown, Shelley backs away warily, Shelley finally locks on a head scissors to counter Danielson and he can't kip up out of it. Shelley gets rolled onto his back and rolls out instead of being stretched. Wristlock by Danielson, Shelley forced down to the mat for a one count, Shelley tries to block Danielson from putting on a crossface unsuccessfully, and counters by actually biting the tape wrapped around Danielson's wrist and trying to pull it off. Danielson responds with a dropkick to the jaw. Shelley rolls out to get advice from Prince Nana. Shelley takes his time wiping his boots on the apron before stepping back in. Collar and elbow tie-up, Shelley pushes Danielson into the corner, and when asked to break by the ref he slaps Danielson in the face. Circling again, lock up, Danielson pushes him into the corner, tries to give Shelley one to the face in return but Shelley ducks it and hits him with another, prompting a "YOU GOT BITCHSLAPPED" chant. These fans are trying way too hard right now. Shelley goes for a full nelson, Danielson breaks it and starts slapping Shelley in the face before he rolls out. Danielson goes top rope but Shelley walks away to ask Nana for advice, out of leaping range. Shelley is claiming the slap from Danielson broke his eardrum and stalling for time. He gets back in, Danielson throws him into the corner for another slap and Shelley rolls through and grabs the ROH title off the timekeeper's table to defend himself. The ref admonishes him to put it down and Shelley keeps selling the ear, now pretending he can't hear the crowd. Danielson and Shelley are working at their own speed, Danielson holding an abdominal stretch, defying the crowd who wants them to pick up the pace. The announcers blame the chants on the CZW fans. Danielson was using the ropes to leverage the abdominal stretch and the ref finally catches it and makes him break the hold.

A big right hand slap from Shelley knocks Danielson down. Kick to the right hamstring and a knee-DT, and Shelley is content to crank on the leg and twist the foot, falling to his back repeatedly to increase the pressure. Nana screams "How do you like it now! Give up Danielson." Danielson counters with an indian death lock but Shelley is tenacious and refuses to let go. Danielson goes for an ankle breaker and the two exchange slaps and chops and both let go of their holds to brawl before getting back to their feet. Danielson backflips off an irish whip and nails a release belly to belly suplex. Danielson starts putting Shelley in the surfboard, he fights it off, so Danielson decides to grab the nose and crank on it instead. Ref makes him break. Danielson pounds on him some more and then teases the surfboard twice, the crowd anticipates it each time, Danielson finally says loudly "No no no, fuck you people" letting go of the hold and flipping a double bird. Danielson does a double stomp on the surfboard driving Shelley's knees into the canvas. Nana: "This is your last chance Shelley, the last chance!" Vertical suplex springboard and Danielson gets a two count. Danielson teases the surfboard again and this time he actually does it. Shelley fights out. Danielson stands on Shelley to prevent him from grabbing the ropes, lets go, does another surfboard stomp, and NOW THE DREADED SPINNING TOEHOLD. Serious. This is such a whacky slow paced technical wrestling match I can't help but love it, and the crowd has been made converts in the process as they're clapping alng trying to will Shelley out of Danielson's figure four. Shelley finally rocks it back and forth and gets enough momentum to roll it over, Danielson rolls it right back again but he's in the ropes so the ref makes them break. Danielson to the top rope, strikes a pose, and he hits a big diving headbutt for a two count. Shelley sweeps the leg, gets a two, shining wizard, tornado DDT, two count again. Hard kick to the shoulder and a brief "LET'S GO SHELLEY" chant. Sunset flip only gets one. Rolling cradle converts into a dropkick by Shelley right to Dragon's mouth. Sliced bread #2 blocked but Shelley gets a superkick instead. One count only as Danielson grabs the ropes. Shelley stomps on Danielson and grabs the nose, four count break, pulls Dragon back to his feet and hits a neckbreaker. A second neckbreaker connects, and yet a third. Competing "let's go dra-gon" and "let's go shel-ley" chants. A FOURTH neckbreaker. Shelley bridges Danielson putting pressure on the neck and shoulders, he grabs the ropes for leverage, the ref breaks again. Dropkick to the back of the head. Danielson rolls through the ropes to get away, Nana slaps him in the face. European uppercuts by Shelley. Danielson suplexed over the top to the floor. Nana picks him up and holds him for Shelley, he charges off the ropes, Danielson ducks the suicide dive and Shelley crashes into both Nana and the steel guardrail. Danielson tosses both Shelley and Nana into the crowd. Announcer: "Did he just toss him to the fat guy!" Danielson hits a springboard somersault onto both men out in the crowd, stands on a chair and screams loudly "WHO'S THE MAN!!!!" He throws Shelley back over the barricade and back into the ring. Missile dropkick connects and Dragon screams again. He charges Shelley, hits a suplex for two, then bridges cattle mutilation. Shelley gets a foot on the ropes to force a break. Danielson puts Shelley on the top rope and goes up, Shelley knocks him off and does a frogsplash for 2.5.

Shelley gets up slowly, tries a suplex, Dragon gets a knee strike to the head in mid-air. Shelley responds with a kick and misses on another high vertical suplex, so he superkicks Dragon instead and connects with a brainbuster and a suplex for a two count, then goes for his patented Border City Stretch (modified crippler crossface). Shelley rolls the shoulders over for 2.9. Shelley slowly picks Danielson back up, tries to hit a sliced bread, Dragon cuts him off and climbs to the top rope, and connects with a belly to back superplex. 2 count only. Another cattle mutilation, another two count. Nana circles the ring as Danielson an Shelley exchange punches, chops and forearms. Dragon finally knocks him down, Nana gets on the apron to argue with the ref, and Shelley kicks Danielson in the balls hard while he's distracted. Shellshock! Dragon still kicks out before 3. Another BCS by Shelley, Danielson inches towards the ropes and gets a foot break. Shelley up first but Danielson hits a spinning forearm, Shelley responds with a superkick and a running lariat, then connects with the sliced bread #2 only Danielson converts it into a cattle mutaliation and then rolls over Shelley for the three count! WINNER AND STILL ROH WORLD CHAMPION: BRYAN DANIELSON. To put myself in the crowd for the moment, I think this deserves a THAT WAS AWE-SOME *CLAP CLAP, CLAP CLAP CLAP* chant. We don't get one, but the crowd does clap along as Dragon's "Final Countdown" music plays and then gives him a round of applause as he holds up the belt. Danielson and Shelley exchange a very unpleasant handshake with each other. Nana pours water over Shelley's head as he heads to the back, weary and beaten. Danielson: "Uh-uh, cut the music! Now, for those of you, who thought that match was boring, go ahead and stay for the CZW show, because you'll be fucking thrilled. But the rest of you guys who love PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING, will continue to support RING OF HONOR!!~!" Dragon, you're damn right.

* 3-Way Dance Main Event: Colt Cabana v. Christopher Daniels v. Samoa Joe

You can't get much better than a main event like this, even though no titles are on the line, but considering these three men you really don't need any. Cabana is out first wering a Chicago jacket. Daniels out second to his familiar Fallen Angel theme music, and he actually has an "angel" in the form of Allison Danger follow him to a ring, complete with a halo over her head. The crowd is marking out like crazy for Daniels, and I can't say I blame them. Note to Fallen Angel, the new look in TNA is not working, you should have stuck with the Angel's Robes and the clean shave. Even though this is billed as a 3-way on the box, the bell rings so 'Classic' and 'Fallen Angel' get started all by themselves. Apparently Joe is "returning from Mexico" and about five minutes away from the building as we speak. The announcers explain that as soon as we get a pin between these two men, Joe will be in the back and ready to hit the ring. Daniels goes outside for advice from Danger, and nearly kicks her in the head as he steps through the ropes - naturally his Angel forgives him. Cabana goes for a wristlock, Daniels rolls through into a side headlock, Cabana converts it to a head scissors and does push-ups in the ring while keeping it locked on, mocking Fallen Angel the whole time. Dueling chants for both men as Daniels gets back to his feet but ends up in another wristlock. Cabana drives him to the mat, lets go of the facelock and goes back to the wristlock, Daniels rolls through into an armdrag and an armbreaker. Cabana back to his feet as Allison Danger looks on. Cabana grabs the wrist again and won't let go no matter what Daniels does. Daniels finally gets to his feet but Cabana knocks him down with a couple of shoulder tackles then does a head scissors to the corner and a monkey flip out of it. The announcers say that Joe is now in the back in street clothes thanks to an update from Jimmy Bower. Colt pushes Daniels into the corner for some chops. Daniels whipped, gets the boot up, comes back with knees to the mid. Both men up slow. Daniels with shoulders to the gut in the corner as the announcers try to explain how this is still a tribute to the 3-way dance, even without being all three men at once. Daniels tries to choke Cabana out but he fights it off so Daniels changes to knees and kicks. Cabana draped over the second rope for some pressure, thrown off for shoulder to the mid, kicked there too, Cabana ducks a clothesline and goes for a sunset flip, Daniels reverses it and drives an elbow to the gut. Two count. Abdominal stretch. Danger tries to get the crowd clapping. Cabana goes for the sunset flip again, Daniels with the elbow, but Cabana rolls him through for a two count. High back bodydrop. Cabana goes for the deep arm drag and gets put in another abdominal stretch. Hip toss counter to break free. Cabana charges him, Daniels ducks, Cabana splashes the corner and Daniels gets a two count. Split-legged off the top rope for two again. Yet another ab stretch. The crowd starts clapping and wills Cabana back to his feet. Cabana with a second rope moonsault but can't follw up. Uppercuts and elbows by Cabana to the top of Daniels head and finally drops him. Cabana with a back butt splash and a lariat for 2.5. Scoop slam blocked, modified gutbuster by Cabana, two count. The crowd starts calling for the BME. Death valley driver connects but Daniels only gets 2. He sets Cabana up for the BME, Cabana rolls out of the way so Daniels lands on his feet instead, he charges in and Cabana gets the boots up. Top rope missile dropkick and Cabana only gets 2. More dueling chants. Daniels goes for Angel's Wings, Cabana blocks, sunset flip attempt instead but Cabana bridges it into a pinfall! FIRST FALL WINNER: COLT CABANA.

Almost immediately after the bell rings, the Godzilla music hits. HERE COMES SAMOA JOE. True to their word Joe is in street clothes, blue jeans and a t-shirt. Joe charges the ring and starts cleaning house on both men. He sends Daniels out with a belly to belly suplex and gets to work on Cabana with an inverted atomic drop, boot to the face, back senton and a cover - 2.5. "That big boot wasn't even a wrestling boot!" Okay Mr. Announcer, any footwear Joe is wearing would hit like a ton of bricks, who cares. Cabana with a lariat for two. Cabana tries to go top rope, Joe cuts him off, MUSCLE BUSTAHHHHH~! Cabana kicks out at 2.9. Joe locks in the kokina clutch. Cabana fights like crazy and grabs the ropes, Joe is in disbelief and so is the ECW Arena, they're going crazy. Joe gives him 100 punches E. Honda style in the corner and a big knee, but Cabana stiffs the shit out of him with rights and hits a low blow. Elbow to the top of the head, enzuguiri by Joe in response, MUSCLE BUSTAHHH NUMBA TWO~! This one gets the pinfall. WINNER: SAMOA JOE! It was fast and brutal and fun to watch.

BJ Whitmer hits the ring and goes over to talk to Samoa Joe, mic in hand. Before Whitmer can get a word in one of the fans hits Joe with a roll of toilet paper. Joe's not happy about it! He thinks he's spotted the fan who threw it, so he jumps through the ropes and goes out into the crowd. Joe picks up the fan, carries him over to someone working security, and security carries the man out of the building. Seems too obvious, had to be a plant, if Joe wasn't expecting to get hit I doubt he would have politely handed the man over - JOE WOULDA KILLED HIM. Whitmer waits, mic in hand, as Joe jaws with the crowd while wearing a "GUAPOS" t-shirt. Joe: "Okay what'chu wanna say!" Whitmer: "It's more than obvious Joe that you're looking for a fight. You looking for a fight, well it's war, so let's find out what you got boys, CZW get your fucking asses out here!!" Necro Butcher hits the ring and goes for Whitmer. Two other men are on Joe. Suddenly the ring fills up with men, most apparently from CZW. People spill out to the floor, people spill out into the crowd, it's total mayhem. Even MORE MEN hit the ring, from ROH, probably some more from CZW too, who can tell at this point as it's more people than you'd see in the ring during a Royal Rumble. They're all over the building, they're all over the place, the crowd is chanting ROH. I did a little poking around on the net to figure some of this out and was alerted the man the fans were screaming at next was CZW owner John Zandig, who appears to have a barbed wire bat. He sends a bunch of wrestlers out with weapons, including a running weedwhacker - no I'm NOT kidding. Most of the ROH guys are chased away. Necro and cohorts duct tape Whitmer's arms to the ring ropes. A camera follows the action outside, as back in the ring Zandig puts the barbed wire bat to Whitmer's face. Camera keeps jumping back and forth between inside and outside, it's gang war everywhere! Zandig grabs a staple gun and staples something (a CZW show flyer perhaps) to Whitmer's forehead as he screams in pain. He tries unsuccessfully to staple one to his chest, gives up and lets Super Dragon and the other CZW guys beat him up. ROH tries desperately to ring the bell to restore order and it fails. They bring a can of spraypaint into the ring and spray CZW right in the middle of the ROH logo. Whitmer is left helpless on the ropes as the CZW guys celebrate. Super Dragon grabs an ROH t-shirt from the crowd and chokes Whitmer with it, stuffs it down his crotch, then throws it back to the crowd. Zandig: "This is our house! CZW. Fuck ROH! When you fuck with CZW, you fuck with Zandig, and when you fuck with Zandig this is what happens!" Now THIS is how you build a feud. Stay tuned for next week's ROH DVD review, as we'll continue the Milestone Series and see how this continues to play out. As for this DVD itself, BIG THUMBS UP RECOMMENDED PURCHASE.

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